Massacre Records & AssignmentTV release video for “Evolution”

Posted on July 16th, by Goran Panic in Media, NEWS. Comments Off on Massacre Records & AssignmentTV release video for “Evolution”

Hello everyone,


Massacre Records & AssignmentTV  (our official YouTube Channel) released a video for “Evolution”


“Evolution” is the opening track of our upcoming record “Closing the Circle” to be released 22 July, 2016 via Masscre Records / Soulfood and is also available through the webshop on this site \m/  \m/


[youtuberesponsive maxwidth=”70%” listtype=”custom” listvalue=”agSr5pBzfIc” center=”true”]


If you have missed the first single from the upcoming record, “Genetic Slavery” is still online:


[youtuberesponsive maxwidth=”70%” listtype=”custom” listvalue=”CO4eEDEPaV8″ center=”true”]

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