Tag: Closing the Circle
Massacre Records streaming FULL “Closing The CIrcle”
Dear folks,
Massacre Records is currently streaming “Closing The Circle” in its ENTIRE beauty on their official YouTube Channel \m/
You can also follow the stream here:
[youtuberesponsive maxwidth=”70%” listtype=”custom” listvalue=”pumtt_bAjw4″ center=”true”]
Massacre Records & AssignmentTV release video for “Evolution”
Hello everyone,
Massacre Records & AssignmentTV (our official YouTube Channel) released a video for “Evolution”
“Evolution” is the opening track of our upcoming record “Closing the Circle” to be released 22 July, 2016 via Masscre Records / Soulfood and is also available through the webshop on this site \m/ \m/
[youtuberesponsive maxwidth=”70%” listtype=”custom” listvalue=”agSr5pBzfIc” center=”true”]
If you have missed the first single from the upcoming record, “Genetic Slavery” is still online:
[youtuberesponsive maxwidth=”70%” listtype=”custom” listvalue=”CO4eEDEPaV8″ center=”true”]
PRE-Order for “Closing the Circle” started !!!
The PRE_Order for “Closing the Circle” has started. Apart from our official webpage, feel free to use one of the following:
• iTunes – http://geni.us/closingthecircle (Instant Grat Track: “Genetic Slavery”)
• Amazon (MP3) – http://www.amazon.de/dp/B01GXCZA1W
• Google Play Music –
• The Metal Merchant Mailorder (free shipping) – http://www.metalmerchant.com
• MetalMailorder (ebay – free shipping) – http://stores.ebay.de/METALMAILORDER
• Assignment Shop –
• Amazon (CD) – https://www.amazon.de/dp/B01CLZB8Q6 https://amzn.com/B01CLZB8Q6 (Import)
• EMP – Germany: • International:
• Nuclear Blast Online Shop –
• exlibris.ch –
• jpc.de –
• CeDe.ch –
• Saturn.de –
• Media Markt – http://bit.ly/29AKlAP
First “Closing the Circle” Reviews!!!
Dear followers of the Machine \m/
As the release date for our new record “Closing the Circle” (via Massacre Records / Soulfood Distribution) is getting closer, first reviews in different lanaguages get posted! We will keep this news updated with new reviews once published)
Here an overview:
… “What hasn’t changed for Assignment is their exploration of melodic and progressive power metal. Yet this is not overly complex stuff. The usual suspects occur with tempo and time signature changes, and particular instruments offering representative solo parts. The band’s goal is not to confuse you or leave you perplexed, but to demonstrate some creativity and entertain. The glue that holds everything together is Assignment’s inherent commitment to melody and groove which allows the arrangements to be both intriguing and accessible”…
… “Das was man jetzt hört, kann sich echt sehen lassen. Ein volles Gitarrenriff begleitet hier das treibende Schlagzeug. So kommt recht schnell Fahrt in den Song. Die Stimme, die dann einsetzt hört sich kräftig, tief und spannend an bevor dann ein hoher Schrei einsetzt. Alle Achtung Herr Valdez, so ein Gesang macht Eindruck. Über den gesamten Song gibt es eine ansteigende Spannungskurve, und somit … Read More »
Assignment sign with Massacre Records!!!
Assignment have signed with Massacre records!!!
New album “Closing the Circle” to be release on the 22nd July 2016 through Massacre Records !!! Thanks to Massacre for believing!!!
Welcome to the Machine!!!
Teaser / Making of for new record “Closing the Circle”
[youtuberesponsive maxwidth=”70%” listtype=”custom” listvalue=”VmrEtfl1bck” center=”true”]
We are pleased to announce that a first “Closing the Circle” Teaser / Making of has been uploaded by the Band on the official Youtube Channel AssignmentTV
Below you will find the previous teaser and introduction of new Assignment vocalist, Diego Valdez on the song “Crimson Poison” which will be included on the new release!
Let the Metal flow… The Machine
[youtuberesponsive maxwidth=”70%” listtype=”custom” listvalue=”UNcYytCRLvk” center=”true”]
Exclusive Interview with Diego Valdez
Hello everyone,
We are happy to provide you with an exclisive interview with Diego Valdez about the new Assignment record “Closing the Circle” Enjoy!
Diego, first of all, thank you for the time! There may not be many people that didnt notice you in the world of heavy music, so just for these rare ones, please introduce yourself:
Hello everyone! My name is Diego Valdez lead singer of Helker and Electro Nomicon and Im from Argentina!
Tell us, what was your first thought when you were contacted by Assignment?
I was very intrigued about the band and their music and I thought that could be a great chance for me to explore and expand my musical horizons.
Are you familiar with the previous release “Inside of the Machine” and if yes, what do you think about it?
Well, I was not familiar with the music at first, then I listened the album and I found great songs and singers.
The production for the follow up “Closing the Circle” is completed. Are you satisfied with the results and what can you tell us about the music?
I think this album its great, plenty of good and creative music! You will find many styles of metal wisely intertwined.I think that the … Read More »
Heiko Spaarmann (PNC) joins Assignment !!!
Heiko Spaarmann joins Assignment!!!
The line up for the upcoming Assignment record “Closing the Circle” has been completed! Heiko replaced Heiko! Heiko Sparmann, also known as bassist for the peogressive band Poverty´s No Crime has joined our force! He has already recorded 90% of his parts. Heiko, welcome to the Machine!
ASSIGNMENT are searching for a new Bassist
ASSIGNMENT are searching for a new Bassist to record the upcoming record “Closing the Circle”
Here are the basic requirements:
– You should have a home studio / quality equipment to record
– Experience / Skills with Rock, Metal & Progressive Music
– English and/or German language required
If you are motivated and interested please contact the Band through their Homepage / COntact us option or the Facebook page for further details!
Breaking News – DIego Valdez & Assignment
Septemer 23, 2014 ASSIGNMENT are pround to announce that
DIEGO VALDEZ is taking over the vocals for the upcoming
release “Closing the Circle” (working title).
Diego might be known to fans from his excellent work with the
Argentinian Metal Heros HELKER and other projects
Diego´ s voice reminds of the immortal Ronnie James Dio and
Jorn Lande. The recording sessions have been sheudled for the
next three months followed by mixing and mastering and a
potencial release during summer of 2015.
Assignment announce New Single & Video in September
Hello everyone,
We have just received the Big News – ASSIGNMENT will release a SINGLE for the first time and the Digital Release is planned for late SEPTEMBER.
The Song is called “Crimson Poison” and will incl. Michael Bormann on vocals. The Band is currently recording the Basic Tracks and once this has been completed, they will move to the Mix/Master process.
For the first time ever, ASSIGNMENT will also shoot a MusicVideo for the Song! The Location has already been chosen and the Recording-Crew completed.
At this moment it is not certain if this track will be also included on the upcoming record, working title “Closing the Circle”
– Webmaster
Exclusive Interview & News from Goran
It has been quite in the last couple of weeks, the release promotion on “Inside of the Machine” has ended, so I looked after and met with Goran in order to see what´s going on…
Goran, first of all, do you have any Band-related news for us?
– Well, I have spent the last four months writing new songs and at this very moment, I have enough good material and ideas for the next album. The songs have been passed on to the guys and Gert, Heiko & Sven are working on their parts, but is actually a process where everyone looks to get the best out of it, we communicate and discuss, re-arrange some parts here and there before we finish the pre-production and move to the recording process.
When do you expect to start the recordings?
– There are some conceptual thoughts about the record that we I to finish first and some general decisions on questions about the vocal crew, production studio and mostly the time schedule of all involved persons needed for finishing the production. Once this has been done we will have all relevant information to announce a realistic date…
Can you already say anything about the new songs?
– Well, after the last … Read More »
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